College Ave
College Ave plays with the portability of space and time. The background video not only carries a contrasting space and time into the performance space, but directs the musicians. This idea probably came from having performed several silent-movie soundtracks in various groups. For me, in the ideal situation, the musicians’ input can be analyzed to affect the progression of the video. In this case I opted for higher resolution over processing speed, and so the video remains unblemished. The only change in the video is a fade in and red tint, which is a completely obscure reference to Michael Snow’s “Wavelength”. One of my favorite movies.
This performance was recorded at University of North Texas in 2010, featuring the Nova Ensemble directed by Elizabeth McNutt. The musicians are: Sarah Summar - violin, Andrew Broz - cello, Michael Garman - clarinet, Jeffery Kyle Hutchins - alto saxophone, Susan Anderson - horn, Jeremiah Stones - bass trombone, Elizabeth Stelzer - piano, Patrick Peringer - electric guitar and technical assistant.